We’ve recently had some problems with the podcasts which has meant that some of them have been unavailable.

The View from SailBringing them back has meant going through each one and reconfiguring it. While doing this I’ve seen each podcast title over the last 12 months.

Each of these titles has reminded me of a message that we’ve received – sometimes it has been an encouragement at others some wisdom, sometimes the message has been for us as individuals at others the message has been for us as a community.

It was good to think about some of the series that we’ve listened to – Life’s Healing Choices, Strengthening Church, Stretching Our Faith to name a few.

My memory was particularly pricked by a couple of the messages from the beginning of this year that set our vision for 2011. They were based on the words of Mark 5:36 – “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”:

These messages, and the other podcasts, weren’t just for a point in time, they still speak to us today. It’s one of the reason why I think it’s important to keep the podcast archive available to people, which we will do.

As it is there are about 140 messages to listen to, plenty of food for our souls.