Join us on Sunday morning at 9:15am or 11am for Ian and Joanna Clarkson’s final Sunday with us before Ian goes on Sabbatical prior to taking up the position of Lead Pastor at Crown Lane FMC. Ian will be our speaker on Sunday morning, speaking on ‘Daily, Water-Walking Faith.’
BSL interpretation will be available at the 9:15am and 11am service this Sunday.
The 11am service will be live streamed.
Our children and young people’s groups will meet at both services as follows:
Sparks for pre-school children aged 2-4 in the Prayer Chapel.
Energize for children in Reception to year 6 in Oak.
Ignite for young people in school years 7-11 in Cypress.
Join us for the evening service at 6:30pm as we celebrate all that God has done through Ian and Joanna Clarkson’s ministry. Join us as we anoint them and pray for their future as they move on from us.
It’s September and we are really looking forward to seeing you all at 10:00am and 6:30pm.
At 10:00am our children and young people activities are back up and running:
Sparks for pre-school children aged 2-4 in the Prayer Chapel.
Energize for children in Reception to year 6 in Oak.
Ignite for young people in years 7-11 in Cypress.
A creche area is available in the coffee lounge for parents/carers with children under the age of 2.
In our Sunday morning service at 10am, our speaker will be Ian Clarkson. We will be beginning a new message series titled, ‘I’M IN’. The first of our series is ‘What is Serving?’ and the Bible reading is Philippians 2:5-11. This service will be both in-person and live streamed – the link is at the end of this post.
Join us for our evening service at 6:30pm when Ian Clarkson will speak further on ‘What is Serving? – the biblical basis for serving’. We will also be sharing in Communion together.
This week we are returning to a verse in the Bible that has been speaking to us over the last few weeks – Acts 2:42.
At 10:00am Sue Chastney is our speaker and she will be considering what it means to be “Devoted to prayer?”
This week our Sparks and Energize children are meeting together in Oak. There is no Ignite this week.
The 10:00am service will be live streamed, the link is below. Please note that we will not be live streaming during August to allow our volunteers on the technical team to take a break.
At 6:30pm our speaker is Nicki Thorpe who will be thinking about what it means to “Dare to Share”
In our Sunday morning service at 10am, our speaker will be Ian Clarkson. The title of this week’s message is Zeal – All for Him and the Bible reading is Romans 12:1-2 & 9-21.
The service will be both in-person and live streamed. The link to view is at the end of this post.
At 10am our children meet as follows:
Sparks for pre-school children aged 2-4 in the Prayer Chapel.
Energize for children in Reception to year 6 in Oak.
Ignite for young people in years 7-11 in Cypress.
A creche area is available in the coffee lounge for parents/carers with children under the age of 2.
Baptism Service
Join us at 6:30pm as we hold a Baptism service. Come and celebrate with those being baptised.