Celebrate – Awakened Worship | John 4:16-24 | Sarah Winter

Celebrate – Authentic Worship | Andrew Slack

Why do we sing? What is worship? The Bible is the place to find the answers to those questions, and more. Join Andrew Slack as he takes us from the very beginning to the very end.

Celebrate – Awakened Worship | John 4:16-24 | Sarah Winter

Celebrate – God to us | Sunday 5th February 2023 @ 9:15am, 11:00am & 6:30pm

Celebrate? What have we got to celebrate?

As we’ve seen over the last few weeks Celebrate is the first letter of our acrostic CREED.

This week Nicki Thorpe will be looking at Luke 15:11-32 (NLT) and thinking about that very question.

Join us on Sunday morning at 9:15am or 11am.

BSL interpretation will be available at the 9:15am service this Sunday. The 11am service will be live streamed.

Our children and young people’s groups will meet at both services as follows:

  • Sparks for pre-school children aged 2-4 in the Prayer Chapel.
  • Energize for children in Reception to year 6 in Oak.
  • Ignite for young people in school years 7-11 in Cypress.
  • A creche area is available in the coffee lounge for parents/carers with children under the age of 2.

Then join us for the evening service at 6:30pm when Andrew Slack will be our speaker looking at ‘Authentic Worship’. We will be sharing in Communion together during the service.