‘Do everything without grumbling or arguing,’ wrote Paul. But how can we resist when the media offers us so much juicy grumble-fodder?

We moan about the government, education, immigration, or recently, having to boil or buy water. On p6, Margaret Sutton remembers life without indoor running water or electricity. Her life has not been without tragedy, yet her attitude has always been, not grumbling, but thankful and quietly prayerful.

Don’t Worry

‘Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.’ It’s that guy Paul talking again! But what if we’re in huge debt or about to lose our home? There are no easy answers, but worry won’t help. Read p4, about people who are thankful for the new Preston North CAP Debt Centre. This initiative is dramatically changing the lives of local people struggling with debt.

Leaving home comforts

The world is not TV – you can’t simply sit on your sofa with a remote control to change the scenes you hate. You might consider emulating two of our younger church members, who left their home comforts to make a difference: Jeni Sutton on p2 spent her summer in South Africa supporting children suffering poverty and injustice. And Dan Feeny on p10, decided to highlight the problem of human trafficking by living in a cage for a week.

Living in peace

Ultimately, it is not what we do, but who we are that makes the real difference. My aim is to be less ‘grumbly’ and more thankful, to worry less and pray more, to be less critical of others and, as far as it depends on me, to live in peace with everyone.

PS: Our Sunday morning service no longer starts at 10am. So that we have space for everyone, two identical services happen, starting at 9.15am and at 11am. See the back cover for details. And it goes without saying; whoever you are you are welcome to join with us.

Enjoy Heart 2015!
