A thing of beauty – it could be you
Six months has passed since the Winter 2015 Heart Magazine was delivered to nearly 6,000 homes in Fulwood.
Thanks so much for all your positive feedback. We were delighted when you responded by turning up to Toddler groups, Wednesday lunches, or to courses such as our ‘Surviving Teens’ classes or the ‘Sign Nine’ BSL sessions. You worked hard, learnt a lot and we all had fun!
This year, Pastor Andrew is encouraging us to focus on the idea of ‘Planting Potential’ which is why the Heart cover shows a seedling being nurtured, not by a single person, but by a whole team of supportive people. Andrew (see p6) and the pastoral care team see real potential for us all to find peace and wholeness in our sometimes troubled lives. The team love to support those who come to them for help. Andrew illustrates this with his hobby of woodturning; he sees the potential in a rough-cut of wood and turns it into a thing of beauty.
Even those who are happy and successful are often searching for something more meaningful in life. Staff nurse Martin MacDonald shares (p2) how he found a deeper understanding of faith, then renewed his musical talent as he joined one of the church music groups where he plays the guitar.
From seedlings to saplings
Talking of potential, this year we celebrated more than 30 young people from Fulwood Free Methodist Church being away at universities across the country. Four of these students gave ‘Heart’ an insight into how being mentored and supported throughout their teens has helped them cope with the challenges of moving on. (p4)
A seed of faith?
Many people have a sense of ‘the spiritual’ but never ask their burning questions because, well, who can you trust to discuss these matters truthfully and without pressure? Take the plunge, bring a friend and check out The Venue (back page).
Enjoy reading Heart!